138 innovations

Bacardi Bespoke bar service

Bacardi Bespoke is aservice from Bacardi in the UK that brings bars to customers' homes oroffices. The bars come complete with glasses, ice, equipment, expertcocktail mixologists, a portable bar and a DJ. Naturally, the bartenders make everything with Bacardi, havingcreated new versions of classic cocktails to incorporate Bacardi rum.Cocktail lists are personalised to a host's taste and a party's themeor vibe. In essence small-scale sponsored and branded events, Bespokehome parties are subsidised by Bacardi, so prices aren't as high aswould be expected from a professional service. Spiked with a splash of tryvertising, Bacardi Bespoke is great example of what trendwatching.com has defined as the insperiencetrend: consumers' desire to bring top-level experiences into theirdomestic domain.

Source: bacardibespoke.comAdded: 13 July 2006