138 innovations

Delivery service

Zifty has beenoffering Atlantans fast delivery since 2004. Zifty delivers food,movies, magazines, snacks, and household goods in about an hour, andpartners with restaurants to deliver meals. The company employsdrivers, but keeps costs down by paying them per delivery. All ordershave a delivery fee of USD 0.99, and an additional USD 2.99 is addedfor orders from restaurants. Orders with a subtotal over USD 50 getfree delivery, and those placed more than 2 hours in advance get 50%off the fee. Minimum order size is USD 9.95. Now that everyone's online, and consumers are willing to pay extrato save time and get instant gratification, similar uber-convenienceconcepts are popping up in cities around the world.

Source: zifty.comAdded: 13 July 2006