Wind-defying auto-open umbrella
Buying inexpensive umbrellas really stops feeling like good senseafter you destroy half a dozen or so by simply opening them in thewind--possibly an umbrella's worst enemy. This Wind-Defying Auto-OpenUmbrella takes the issue on with an innovative design that withstandswinds of up to 35 mph. The umbrella utilizes a patented ventedmesh system, which disperses wind through reinforced mesh pockets. Thedesign keeps the umbrella from inverting, reducing the jerking torqueof the shaft. Made from 190-thread count nylon, mixed with fiberglassinterior ribs, the umbrella is built for maximum durability. Arubberized handle will also allow you to keep a superior grip on theumbrella should the wind pick up above 35 mph. The piece looksand feels conventional--it just performs a little better. It was madeexclusively for Hammacher Schlemmer, and it's all the more appealingfor the fact that you aren't gouged on the price. This could be theinexpensive umbrella that finally lasts you longer than one season.
Source: productdose.comAdded: 9 January 2007