"Light bandage" for skin cancer

A new light-emitting 'sticking plaster', which will revolutionise thetreatment of skin cancer, has been developed by researchers at theUniversity of St Andrews and Ninewells Hospital, Dundee.The new device, which builds on established photodynamic therapytreatment (PDT) methods, not only reduces pain but has the potential tobe used by patients in their own home.The breakthrough, a portable lightweight light source powered by apocket-sized battery, is the brainchild of St Andrews' physicistProfessor Ifor Samuel, and dermatology consultant Professor JamesFerguson, head of the photobiology unit at Ninewells Hospital Dundee.The pair teamed up four years ago to combine their expertise inphoto-physics and photodynamic therapy to create a new way of treatingskin cancer. The result is a 'light bandage' which contains its ownlight source and is so portable that patients can go about their dailybusiness while under treatment.Professor Samuel said: "By adapting the latest technology to anexisting treatment method, we have developed a compact light source fortreating common skin cancers. It can be worn by the patient in asimilar way to a sticking plaster, while the battery is carried like aniPod."The light is generated by an organic light-emitting diode, (OLED)and is a spin-off of Professor Samuel's work on advanced displays."It's very exciting to be have developed a new technology that helpstreat skin cancer patients," he said.Professor Ferguson said: "This new device will have a major impacton the treatment of skin cancers. The light-emitting patch is alow-cost, portable and convenient method of treatment. Our initialpilot trials have already shown its effectiveness and we find patientsrequesting this treatment over conventional methods."The new approach is much more convenient and comfortable thanconventional methods as lower light levels are used (reducing pain),and the patient can move around during treatment.

Source: medgadget.comAdded: 4 January 2007

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