19 innovations containing 'water'

VisPore technology

The VisPore liner is a patented revolutionary system for managing water or grease moisture inside a plastic package. Originally invented to solve the fried chicken problem, where extra-crispy would become extra-mushy by the time it got to your table, this VisPore technology has found numerous other applications. VisPore liners are a plastic layer covered with tiny microfunnels that channel grease and moisture away from the packaged product. Their one-way flow characteristics also act as a barrier to prevent moisture re-absorption. Fluids then condense on the outside bag where they flow to the bottom and are trapped away from the packaged product. The embossed thickness of each liner also functions as a natural barricade, keeping the food products safely away from the condensation throughout the draining process. The end result for fried foods is crisper, higher quality products time after time.

Source: flexotransparent.comAdded: 18 December 2006