11 innovations containing 'water'

Seasoned skewers

Now that it's summer, grill masters face that same old challenge,getting flavor to penetrate food without flare-ups. To meet thischallenge Callisons Inc. has developed Seasoned Skewers. Permeated with essential oils and natural flavors, these wooden skewers flavor food from the inside out. Soak the skewers in liquid (water, wine, beer, etc.) then skewer yourfood, fish, chicken, tofu, vegetables, fruit, you-name-it and cook onthe grill or indoors if you prefer. The food will be infused withflavor after only a few minutes. Anything that can be "skewered" canprobably benefit from a little extra flavor. Callisons provides recipesfor burgers, grilled summer fruit and even bruschetta tomatoes. Flavorsinclude Honey Bourbon, Thai Coconut Lime, Citrus Rosemary, and GarlicHerb.

Source: seasonedskewers.comAdded: 3 November 2006