4 innovations containing 'water'

Energy generating dance floor

Kicking off in Rotterdam's Off_Corso onOctober 14th is the Sustainable Dance Club. The kick-off party will featurebiological beer on tap and fair-trade clothing brand Kuyichi helping clubberscustomize their clothes. The end concept will go much further. Enviu, anenvironmental NGO for young people, is working together with architectural firmDöll to create a truly sustainable nightclub. The club they envision willfeature energy-generating dance floors (excellent way to extract kilowatts fromenergetic clubbers), toilets that flush with rain water, walls that changecolour as a reaction to temperature changes, a rooftop garden and otherelements that combine to create a sustainable clubbing environment. Working with the TechnicalUniversity of Delft and the Development Board of Rotterdam, Enviu and Döll aimto build a club that will be fun and profitable, yet will have a low impact onthe environment, while raising awareness for social and environmental issues. Some80 Enviu volunteers (young professionals and students) have developed theconcept over the last 8 months. )

Source: enviu.orgAdded: 27 October 2006