79 innovations

Autonomous Toy Car

Autonomous Toy Car

Tomy Co Ltd will release the "Q-eyes," a new series of the Choro-Q toy car, which detects an obstacle and automatically changes routes to avoid it.

The toy car detects an obstacle with sensors located under the right and left headlights and runs while steering. It is possible to change the direction of the car by placing a hand in front of it as well as to make it run an about 15cm-wide course formed by 1cm or taller objects such as pens and erasers.

When an obstacle is found in front of the car, its response to the obstacle differs depending on the operation mode (A or B mode). In the A mode, the car backs off and makes a turn. In the B mode, it stops until the obstacle is removed.

Source: techon.nikkeibp.co.jpAdded: 27 October 2014

Tags: gadgets toys