Floating image labels

3M announced a new security solution, the 3M Confirmauthentication label with floating image technology, incorporates aunique eye-visible security feature that provides powerful productauthentication and can be verified easily with or without the use of atool.

The label's floating image has an optically variable device (OVD)€“ aunique, overt security feature. The OVD image appears to "float" aboveor "sink" below the surface of the label and then disappear as theviewing angle changes. Dramatic movement of the image is easy to detectand recognize using only the human eye, enabling quick and easyauthentication that proves the label and product are genuine. The labelalso incorporates a very secure and time-tested covert security featureinherent to Confirm security material.

Source: 3m.comAdded: 14 June 2006