DataDots protect your property

DDT technologies work by marking each asset they are applied to with aunique and individual code. This code is then recorded on a database andmatched with other asset and ownership identifiers. In some cases the code isthe primary manufacturer's identifier – for example a car's VehicleIdentification Number (VIN).

Identification technology is not a new concept. For a long time carshave had unique VINs, engines have had serial numbers, boats have had HullIdentification Numbers (HINs), designer clothing has had brand labels and soon. However, professional thieves can easily defeat theseidentifying tags; engine serial numbers, VIN and HIN plates can be changed andfake brand labels can be manufactured. DDT technologies, on the other hand,takes identification to the next level.

DDT technologies are different. They are virtually impossible to reproduce. Thieves can't easily make fake copies. This attribute alone has benefits for many industries. DDT technologies help toprotect fraud and provide quality assurance.DDT technologies are virtually irremovable. Take for example our DataDotDNA. It is conceivably possible to remove all of the DataDotDNA, however it would be totally cost ineffective to do so. Moreover, just one tiny dot has to remain for the car to be identified as stolen. The risk of thieves getting caught with a DataDotDNA protected item is significantly increased.

These unique attributes of DDT technologies mean we create security and authentication for home, business and industry in a new and innovative way. The four technologies – DataDotDNA, DataLabelDNA, DataThreadDNA and DataTraceDNA – mean that everything from clothing to school computers to industrial products can be protected against theft and counterfeiting.

Source: datadotdna.comAdded: 17 April 2006

Tags: security