346 innovations

'Twistable' Peanut Butter Jar Prevents Sticky Hands

'Twistable' Peanut Butter Jar Prevents Sticky Hands

Who hasn’t gotten sticky peanut butter  stuck to their fingers after scrapping the bottom of the jar for all the pea-nutty deliciousness hiding at the bottom. I know I sure have. After a while, it just becomes an annoyance and you just want to open a fresh jar. But it looks like Jar-with-a-Twist has found a way to revolutionize peanut butter sandwich making with their patented “twistable” peanut butter jar.

Jar-with-a-Twist will, not only allow easy access to “hard-to-reach” peanut butter, but also keep contents fresher by minimizing exposure to air. They even kept production costs of their twist jar as close as possible to that of regular peanut butter jars. If all works out, these guys will also be developing similar containers for “Jelly, Salsa and Mayonnaise.”

Source: foodbeast.comAdded: 31 July 2013