LG mosquito-repelling air conditioner

While promising vaccines and genetically-engineered mosquitoes are providing hope in the fight against malaria, it currently remains a major and potentially life-threatening problem in tropical and subtropical regions around the world. These regions are also hot and sticky, making LG's introduction of an air conditioner that it claims actively repels mosquitoes as it keeps the house cool a seemingly obvious blending of technologies.

The “Anti-Mosquito” air conditioner repels mosquitoes using ultrasonic wave technology. Pressing the “anti-mosquito button” on the unit’s remote control will see a speaker within the air conditioner generate inaudible ultrasonic waves at a frequency of 30 kHz to 100 kHz.

According to LG, in tests conducted in a World Health Organization (WHO) standard 1.9 m3 Peet-Grady Chamber, the air conditioner knocked down 64 percent of malaria-transmitting female Anopheles mosquitoes within 24 hours, and eliminated 82 percent of female Anopheles mosquitoes overall.

Source: gizmag.comAdded: 26 November 2012

Tags: healthcare