73 innovations

Batteryless communication device

The AimuletLA is an awardwinning batteryless, light-activated handheld audio communication device withan outer shell made from moulded bamboo. It was designed by the InformationTechnology Research Institute at Japan'sNational Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST). Here'show it works.With the devicepressed against your ear, you stand over a designated area. On the floor areLEDs, which then transmit a signal to an array of spherical micro solar cells(called Sphelar by manufacturer Kyosemi). The Aimulet LA then transforms thissignal into audio which is fed to your ear via tiny speakers, all withoutbatteries. Potential uses include museums, zoos, botanical gardens, etc. Theycould be given to visitors at the entrance, and used as very eco-friendly tourguides.

Source: aist.go.jpAdded: 17 October 2006