The book comes sealed in air-tight packaging that, once opened, allows the printed material to react with the atmosphere.

Book printed in ink that vanishes over time

‘The Book that Cannot Wait’ – an anthology of new fiction printed in ink that disappears after two months of opening the book. Silk-screened using a special ink, the book comes sealed in air-tight packaging that, once opened, allows the printed material to react with the atmosphere. The result is that after two months, the text vanishes. With much discussion currently centering on portable electronic readers and e-books, deemed to be bringing about the death of the physical novel, the creators aimed to add a bit of magic to the anthology, as well as encourage buyers to actually read it once they’ve received it instead of leaving it in their ‘to do’ pile. As the authors inside are all previously unpublished, the concept, developed with help from ad agency Draftfcb, acts as a way to ensure that readers engage with as much of the material as possible while they have the chance. As the video below explains: “If people don’t read their first books, they’ll never make it to a second.”

El Libro que No Puede Esperar adds an element of urgency to reading — motivating readers, promoting authors and benefitting physical book publishers; according to one report, the first edition sold out in one day. Is this a business model that is as shortlived as its product, or could this be developed into something more sustainable?

Source: springwise.comAdded: 16 July 2012

Tags: leisure