Rather than dietary fiber and calories, some retailers in Tokyo are displaying levels of radioactive cesium found in their fruits and veggies. And some shoppers are carrying around Geiger counters to measure ionizing radiation.
This ordinary ceramic plate comes equipped with its own radiation meter to warn you if your fish has absorbed too much seaborne radiation from the nuclear power plant disaster earlier this year.
The battery-powered, detachable radiation meter allows you to set your own sensitivity preferences, based on how much radiation you’re worried about.
To visualize your food’s level of contamination, 3 concentric circles of organic LEDs (OLEDs) embedded into the plate light up according to the food’s level of radioactivity (pictured).
No glowing rings, no problem (but a small light on the bottom tells you that the plate is working). If one or 2 rings light up, there’s radioactive contamination, but below the level you’ve specified. However, if the outer red ring lights up, you may want to reconsider that first bite.
Source: smartplanet.comAdded: 7 November 2011