48 innovations

Easy and Smart Hard Drive Storage

BytePac, a company based in Germany, offers a new way to enclose and even archive hard disk drives.  Internal drives are cheaper than external drives, but you can’t use them unless they can fit into your computer or you have a some sort of case and connector.  The BytePac Kit comes with a SATA/USB connection kit and three cardboard enclosures that will allow you to use internal disks as external drives. You can use the hard drives while they are in the cardboard enclosures, and you can unplug from the connection kit, close up the box, and archive your data on the hard disk.  The BytePac Kit comes with three cardboard enclosures and one connection kit.  You can buy extra boxes and labels, or you can even buy a Ready To Store Kit with a hard drive of your choice included. 

Source: the-gadgeteer.comAdded: 17 October 2011