4 innovations containing 'water'

Waterway Junction

The water-saving lock Rothensee and the longest canal bridge in Europe (918 m) which spans the river Elbe, the double ship lift Hohenwarthe and the connecting canals are all part of a gigantic building project to connect the waterways of Hanover, Magdeburg and Berlin. Take advantage of a tour to the Waterway Junction to marvel at the many technical attractions.

An old dream has come true. The first idea to establish a connection between the eastern and western waterways was already thought of in 1877. 60 years later a makeshift solution was provided by building a ship lift and plans were hatched to construct a canal bridge across the river Elbe which is often very shallow during low tides. Another 66 years passed before the longstanding and heartfelt wish was finally fulfilled.

On 10th October 2003 the gigantic Waterway Junction Magdeburg was inaugurated and put into operation. It is considered a technical masterpiece of the century and with its completion another tourist attraction was added to the capital city of Saxony-Anhalt.

Source: magdeburg-tourist.deAdded: 6 July 2010