143 innovations

Picture table

Some of you might remember the classic Seinfeld episode where Kramer makes a coffee table book about coffee tables, a book with four fold-out legs that can, in fact, become a coffee table.

It would appear that someone has taken an ordinary kitchen table and allows it to fold up so it can become a poster. You will note how the legs neatly and conveniently fold into the frame.

If you have to ask why someone would have a Picture Table, then you clearly have too much money. For those of us that can only afford to live in very small living places, space is valuable, and often not around when it is needed. Having some free space in the kitchen when the kitchen table is not being used would come in handy at my place for sure.

Personally, I believe that this is the way of the future for all small apartments. That is, fold up furniture that makes use of the space that isn’t being used in favor of the space that is. Just picture a dining room that can fold up so you can watch a movie on a fold-out home theater.

Source: coolest-gadgets.comAdded: 21 March 2010