56 innovations

Photonic tattoos

A joint effort by Brian Litt from the University of Pennsylvania and researchers from the Beckment Institute at the University of Illinois and Tufts has resulted in the development of special silk-silicon LEDs that show blood sugar level readings. There are some electrodes that also work in tandem in order to synchronize with your neural system. If you feel that this is not enough then how about this: companies of the likes of Royal Philips Electronics in Netherlands are also exploring the world of electronic tattoos.

These researches may lead to some cool tattoos in the future, but their linking with the neural system can help diagnosis and treatment of various aiments like Parkinson's, epilepsy and a lot more. Let's hope this technology has the right amount of funding and aid to come in to its full physical realization.

Source: newlaunches.comAdded: 26 January 2010