Accessory powerhouse Logitech is getting into the gyroscopic-mousemarket with the new MX Air, a rechargeable cordless mouse that can control acomputer's cursor just by being moved through the air (when placed on a flatsurface, it works as regular laser mouse). There are a lot of reasons why youmay want to move your mousing out of the standard 2D, flat-on-the-desk mode.For computer users with persistent hand and arm pain caused by poor ergonomicsor repetitive motion (sometimes called mouse arm), gyroscopic mice have beengood solutions, letting users lift the mouse up off the table and control thecursor by moving the mouse through the air. The MX Air is aimed clearly at thehome theater market. Besides left and right mouse buttons and a touch-sensitivescroll panel (replacing a traditional scroll wheel), the mouse includes adedicated Play/Pause button that works in most media-playing apps, and a volumebutton. With other gyroscopic mice, if you hold the mouse sideways and moveyour hand up, the cursor will still go sideways. We especially liked the extrasensors in the MX Air, which forced the cursor to move in the direction wemoved our hand, no matter the physical orientation of the mouse. It takes agood 24 to 48 hours to get used to, but trying out a gyroscopic mouse can be aneye-opening experiment for any desktop or laptop user.