11 innovations containing 'robot'

Rabbit shaped internet device that interacts with you and the internet


This gifted robot moves his ears, speaks 36 languages, reads, listens, his body lights up and he even detects the presence of other objects (by sniffing them). As he is permanently connected to the Internet, he can act, react, transmit or broadcast many types of content available over his network, news, messages, music, text, alerts, radio, etc.He can hear you, obey your commands and even recognize things you give him to sniff.Reading out books, or interacting with objects thus ushering in the pioneering the RFID revolution are new skills Nabaztag:tag has acquired, adding to his multiple existing talents.When connected to the Internet this marvellous Rabbit has infinite potential.

Source: nabaztag.comAdded: 13 April 2009