
A close brush with a distracted driver is enough to intimidate any avid bicycler from riding at night. You've probably seen small blinkers and flashers tucked just below the seat but that isn't enough. As a daily driver in a very bike friendly city, I can attest I usually don't notice those blinkers until I'm within a few hundred yards of the bicycler. That leaves very little distance and time to react if I were to collide with them.

Only a small fraction of streets have dedicated bike lanes, and with an installation cost of $5,000 - $50,000 per mile, we shouldn't expect to find them everywhere anytime soon. LightLane projects a crisply defined virtual bike lane onto pavement, using a laser, providing the driver with a familiar boundary to avoid. With a wider margin of safety, bikers will regain their confidence to ride at night, making the bike a more viable commuting alternative.

Source: yankodesign.comAdded: 24 February 2009