TX Active cement

"The commitment to Sustainable Development, which is a feature of the operations of the Italcementi Group, does not end with our industrial management policies. This duty, together with the progress linked to the development of our "Innovation Project", has led us to open up a new horizon for Italcementi. Alongside the production of cement which is of increasingly high performance from a structural viewpoint, we are entering a new sector: that of special cement products aimed at providing a genuine industrialized solution to the problem of pollution in cities.

TX Active is a photocatalytic principle for cement products which can reduce organic and inorganic pollutants that are present in the air. Its effectiveness has been thoroughly tested and thus certified by important independent research centers (CNR, ARPA, Ispra Research Center). Its formulation is the result of 10 years of research, tests and applications carried out by CTG, Group Technical Centre, a company in the Italcementi Group which has led to the final formulation of the active principle. Italcementi will make this material available to the whole construction sector which will thus be able to offer products with high quality standards under the TX Active® brand.

Since its first utilization in Rome, the development and improvement of this type of cement has been relentless; if the early cements were effective in keeping the surfaces clean, the level of photoactivity of the new Environment Line is such that it abates the organic and inorganic substances responsible for air pollution.

Source: italcementigroup.comAdded: 10 December 2008