The Amiketto Non-Slip Mat combines the latest nano-technology withstylish Italian design to defy the basic laws of physics, securing yoursunglasses to even the most slippery dashboard. Soft in texture, itgrips onto smooth surfaces with no need for adhesives. It holds objectsplaced on it firmly, under abrupt conditions and at angles of up to 70degrees. So you can even place your toll bridge change on the dashboardwithout losing it the minute you start up the engine. 'Amiketto' is theItalian word for 'your little friend' and this groovy little matcertainly deserves the accolade!
The Amiketto Non-Slip-Mat is non-allergenic, non-toxic,non-reflective, weather resistant and leaves no marks. When it's dirtyor dusty you just have to rinse it with water to restore it to good asnew.
Source: amiketto.comAdded: 12 July 2006