73 innovations

Salmon waste for electro-optics

Organic-based field-effect transistors "OFETs" utilize organic semiconductor materials with low
electron mobilities and organic gate oxide materials with low dielectric constants. These have
rendered devices with slow operating speeds and high operating voltages, compared with their
inorganic silicon-based counter parts. Using a deoxyribonucleic acid DNA-based biopolymer,
derived from salmon milt and roe sac waste by-products, for the gate dielectric region, we have
fabricated an OFET device that exhibits very promising current-voltage characteristics compared
with using other organic-based dielectrics. With minimal optimization, using a thin film of
DNA-based biopolymer as the gate insulator and pentacene as the semiconductor, we have
demonstrated a bio-organic-FET, or BiOFET, in which the current was modulated over three orders of magnitude using gate voltages less than 10 V.

Source: spie.orgAdded: 12 September 2008