Photos on grass
The artists essentially use grass as a form of photographic paper,projecting a black-and-white negative image onto a patch of grass as itgrows in a dark room, and using the natural photosensitive propertiesof the grass to reproduce photographs. As Wimbledon is the onlyremaining Grand Slam tennis tournament that takes place on grass, itwas a natural fit for Ackroyd & Harvey's work, which has alsoappeared on the National Theatre Lyttleton flytower and Dilston Grovein Bermondsey. For this work, they photographed three people atWimbledon prior to the tournament, and displayed the resulting grassversions of the photos on three large panels in Merton Park, where thetennis fans have been camping and then queuing for tickets this year.
Source: boingboing.netAdded: 11 July 2008