We like a nice conceptual project just as much as the next guy, allthe more so when it's in the retro-futuristic arena, though we wish weknew a little more of just what is going on here. This particulardevice is the brainchild of Englishman Michael Kennedy, and is named(sadly), the I-Deck, apparently yet another twist on the iPod dockbusiness. The idea here is that, with the rise in popularity of digitalmusic, album art is being neglected.
So, the I-Deck would display this art on its touchscreen LCD, whichwould also serve as the interface, allowing you to control your player.This interaction is also a little more, well, interactive, in the sensethat if you want to skip a track, you just flick the screen. If youwant to fast-forward, simply spin it. And to play, just turn it.
Source: thecoolhunter.netAdded: 19 July 2006