Mobile Phone Telescope

While the quality of cameraphones has definitely improved over the years their relatively small form factor has left them pretty limited when it comes to zoom capabilites.

This "telescope" lensnow available from Brando can actually give your cameraphone up to 6xmagnification with only a small bit of modification. You see in orderto use the lens you need to replace the back housing on your phonewith the special one included in the kit. Once attached it provides amount with which you can easily attach and remove the lens depending onwhen you might need it.

Unfortunately since this lens does require the back of the phone to be replaced it seems only the Nokia 6230/6230i and the 6680 are currently supported. But if you happen to use one of those phones and think a 6x zoom would be useful you can pick one up at for $19.00.

Source: ohgizmo.comAdded: 5 July 2006