Shape-shifting car will brace for impact

A car that can anticipate a side-on impact and subtly alter its bodyshape to absorb the force of the crash is being developed byresearchers in Germany.

The car will usehood-mounted cameras and radar to spot a vehicle on course for aside-on collision. Once it realises an impact is imminent it willactivate a shape-shifting metal in the door. This reinforces the bondbetween door and frame, which is normally a weak spot, and distributesthe force of the blow more safely.

Side impactsare as common as front or rear ones but cause many more injuries, saysJoachim Tandler, a car safety researcher at engineering firm Siemenswho is working on the EU-funded project.

"It's because there is so little crush zone, and less energy is absorbed before the passenger compartment is crushed," he told New Scientist.There is also insufficient time for a conventional safety system - suchas a built-in airbag - to react and protect a passenger, he says.

Source: newscientisttech.comAdded: 11 May 2006