56 innovations

Glowing Neon Green

Find your keys even in pitch black with these Neon Glowrings. They keep on glowing for ten years with no batteries!

When you've been out on the lash, finding your keys suddenly takes on adifficulty of Krypton Factor challenge proportions. Even worse, youcould have made the mistake of giving them to the missus to look after,and they've disappeared into the black hole that is a woman's handbag.Either way, think how much easier a glowing keyring would make things.

Each Neon Glowring contains a pressurised laser sealed glasstube - a Gaseous Tritium Light Source. (GTLS). This emits a bright neonglow in dark conditions that lasts for up to 10 years, yet it doesn'teven need batteries. So no matter how many drunken nights out you have,you'll always be able to lay hands on your keys. You can even use theglow to find your way to the keyhole.

The glow from a Neon Glowring is visible from up to 20 feetaway. You don't even necessarily have to use it as a keyring; attach itto a bag, equipment, or anything you want to find in the dark.

Source: boysstuff.co.ukAdded: 11 April 2006

Tags: gadgets