Anti-Malaria Watch

Forget all those bells and whistles you may want in a watch, there'snothing quite like the "Malaria Monitor," which promises to sound analarm if it detects the malaria parasite in the wearer. Basically,instead of being able to go underwater or check your heart rate, thiswatch will prick your wrist 4 times a day with a tiny little needle andtest your blood for malaria parasites. Not bad for a timepiece. If theparasite count is over 50, it will set off an alarm and, you'll lovethis, flash a big, bright mosquito on the face of the watch. So if themosquito is flashing, it's time to take your pills (which promise tokill the disease in 48 hours). The watch will cost about $280, so itwould have to be picked up by aid organizations and given out for freeto be of any use to the people who really need something like this.

Source: today.reuters.comAdded: 18 January 2006