Motion detector can see through walls
There was once a time when a concrete wall on thebattlefield meant that a soldier was both safe from bullets andinvisible to the enemy. Thanks to the coming XM25 Advanced Airburst Weapon Systemand DARPA's latest invention, the Radar Scope, the concrete wall hasnow been rendered useless on both counts. The new "Radar Scope" offerswarfighters the very same x-ray vision with which SuperMan captivated ageneration of youngsters, it can see through walls. The Radar Scope isa light-weight, low-cost, through-wall personnel detector that usesstepped-frequency radar to detect subtle changes in Doppler signatureof the returned signal. Put simply, it is a motion detector that cansee through walls.
Source: gizmag.comAdded: 12 January 2006