79 innovations

Perfumed (playing) cards

LetCarta Mundi stimulate your senses with these perfume cards! Bedifferent and seduce the target group with the sent of your specificproduct!
Surprise your customers by stimulating their sense of smell in addition to your visual message.
Perfumed cards contain a layer of perfumed varnish.

Scratch & Sniff and the scent is released! lPerfumed varnish isapplied onto one particular spot of the cards. Different shapes ofperfumed varnish layers and different scents are possible. lAdvisableto use but one scent onto a card. Usually an image of the subject isprinted together with it's scent. Conventional texts and images areprinted with odourless inks.

Source: cartamundi.comAdded: 11 January 2006