72 innovations

Flash wristband

Forget wearing your heart onyour sleeve and carry your memories on your wrist with the new FlashWristband from Imation Corp. The uniquely designed Imation FlashWristband provides an easy way to transport your precious digitalfiles, such as photos, music or videos, securely around your wrist orattached to a backpack. Providing the ultimate in portability anddurability, the Imation Flash Wristband consists of a rubber moldingshell and friction fit locking band, assuring you that the drive, andyour valuable files, such as homework and e-mails, are protected fromaccidental damage. The Imation Flash Wristband holds up to 256 MB ofdata and can be used on any computer. To use, simply "unplug" thewristband and plug the drive into the computer's USB port. Then, "dragand drop" digital files from the computer's desktop to the wristband orvice versa, in a matter of seconds.

Source: newlaunches.comAdded: 10 January 2006