SmartSlab video tiles

SmartSlab is a digital video display for walls,floors, billboards and buildings. The patented SmartSlab technologycombines aerospace composite materials with design inspired fromnature. The honeycomb structure creates a strong and slim tileenabling it to be used directly as a building component for interior orexterior walls, ceilings or floors.

Inspired by the naturally efficient opticsof the fly's eye, the display uses hexagonal pixels (hexels) to effecta perceived image of 18% finer resolution than a regular square pixel.The hexels consist of red, blue and green LED's, enabling it to emit arange of 16 million possible colours. To increase the resolution of thedisplay, more panels can be combined. Four to six panels aresuitable for the display of photos, at least nine for simple movingimages and at least twentyfive for large scale high quality movies.

SmartSlab has a loadbearing capacity of 5 kN/m2and can be used indoor as well as outdoor. It's also fireproof and cantherefore be used in public spaces. Finally it's also "vandal"-proofand scratch resistant.

Source: materialexplorer.comAdded: 30 September 2005