111 innovations

Single Person Vehicle CERVA MC08

CERVA MC08 is an oval shaped transport vehicle, probably, one of themost unique thing that Michal Erva has invented. He is 26 years old andit is unbelievable that at such a small age he can do such wonders. Maybe his hobbies have given him such innovative ideas.

So, are you ready to take in all the fun with this cute-lookingvehicle that can be used as a car, motor cycle, jet plane, yacht orsubmarine? Get ready to experience excitement and thrill of CERVA MC08as you will be rolling and tumbling through the sky. It can be combinedwith variety of extensions like three wheel axles can be fixed to useit on road. If you are an ultimate thrill seeker and you wish to havean experience that you never forget, then this transportation isdesigned for you. It can carry load of one or two people at a time.

Its middle wheel slips forward if you need stableness in case ofspeed and in slow speed the stableness is established by gyroscopeshidden in the axle. It is the first and foremost vehicle with such asadventure.

Source: tuvie.comAdded: 22 May 2008