Handi-Straps is a new invention that transfers a load to the strongest most durable part of the body. Loads lifted or pulled are opinioned to feel up to 50% lighter by consensus while greatly decreasing risk of injury and in certain cases allowing injured to heal by stopping injury aggravation.In a year since it's debut, Handi-Straps has customers around the world from military, EMS, Fortune 500 companies, tradesmen, housewives, seniors, handicapped and basically all people who lift things.The projection of this invention is to boost worldwide productions in manual labor jobs while decreasing insurance and medical costs. Fatigue is offset and stamina is enhanced dramatically. This is the basis for the projection.Medical testing continues with many medical institutions, colleges, some government agencies to define the impact of this concept and more exact benefits.
Source: inventorspot.comAdded: 13 May 2008