Radiant Light Film

Radiant Light Films are a revolutionary breakthrough in multi-layerreflective film. Combining precise layers of polymer materials withdifferent reflective qualities, 3M scientists have produced filmengineered to obtain unprecedented levels of reflective vibrancy. Radiant Films can be combined with suitable colour substrates toproduce various vibrant colours in both reflection and transmission.

The films are ideal for a multitude of decorative and technicalapplications for designers, product developers, packaging engineers,decorators and product engineers - the possibilities are endless.

This shimmering plastic film brings a totally new level ofexcitement and energy to a variety of creative applications, includingsporting goods, packaging, textiles, home décor, architecturaldisplays, gift wrapping and glitter. You can print on it, laminate it,cut it and it may also be conformed into shapes. Whatever you do withRadiant Light Film, the brilliant reflective hues will astound you.

Source: solutions.3m.co.ukAdded: 23 April 2008