Post-it alarm

It resembles an ordinary Post-it-note, but the British designers ofthis "intelligent" version - which features a built-in alarm clock -say it could herald a new generation of memory-jogging technology.
The Ixp-Note, 1mm thick, enables the user to enter the time and date of a future event by touching the paper with their finger.

Using a normal pen, the user can then write theevent they need to remember on a glowing strip, which can be programmedto flash or beep at the chosen time.

The memo note uses thermo-chromic ink - like that used in thermometer strips - that changes colour in response to temperature.

It also employs low-cost electronic circuit printing technology, similar to that inside musical and light-up greeting cards.

The reusable notes were originally designed forpeople with severe memory loss, such as Alzheimer's patients, butGirton Labs, which developed the device, says they can be used allaround the home and office.

The inventor, Lyndsay Williams, 49, said: "They'reideal for putting around the house with reminders such as 'feed thecat' or 'take your pills'."

Source: 29 April 2008