A biodegradable plastic based on epoxy and CO2
Novomer is a new materials company pioneering a family of low costhigh-performance green plastics, polymers and other chemicals. A widevariety of packaging, commercial, consumer and industrial markets arelooking for new, advanced materials that combine environmentallyfriendly attributes, biodegradability, high quality, and low cost. Withproprietary catalytic technology and a world-class scientific team,Novomer's groundbreaking technology allows carbon dioxide and otherrenewable materials to be cost-effectively transformed into polymers,plastics and other chemicals for a wide variety of industrial markets.
Novomer re-uses carbon dioxide as a major input in a low-cost,precision-quality, chemical process that produces a class of uniformpolymers, plastics and other chemicals. Novomer is building thepartnerships to turn these exciting materials into environmentallyfriendly, green plastics products that can replace and improve the roleof plastics across many markets.
Source: novomer.comAdded: 30 April 2008