Carbon nanotubes made into conductive, flexible 'stained glass'

The diverse and exemplaryproperties of carbon nanotubes have inspired a vast range of proposedapplications including transistors, logic gates, interconnects,conductive films, field emission sources, infrared emitters,biosensors, scanning probes, nanomechanical devices, mechanicalreinforcements, hydrogen storage elements and catalytic supports.

Among these applications, transparent conductive films based oncarbon nanotubes have attracted significant attention recently.Transparent conductors are materials that are optically transparent,yet electrically conductive. These materials are commonly utilized aselectrodes in flat-panel displays, touch screens, solid-state lightingand solar cells. With pressure for energy-efficient devices andalternative energy sources increasing, the worldwide demand fortransparent conductive films also is rapidly increasing.

Source: physorg.comAdded: 24 April 2008