The new "air-line" concept from student designer Daniel Fitzgerald and Dyson
offersan eco-friendly and space saving solution to drying your clothes thanksto a design that functions using the movement of air along with solarheat. In other words, it is a solar powered clothesline. The one bigtechnological development comes in the form of intelligent sensors thatprecisely dry your clothes and stop the flow of naturally heated airwhen the moisture content in the clothes reaches zero. So,theoretically, your clothes should stay nicer longer. Plus, your unmentionables will be protected from perverts and pryingeyes thanks to a shade that blocks the view but not the drying power ofmother earth. I don't know how popular this sort of thing would be inthe states, but if it ever sees the light of day as an actual product,it could definitely find a home wherever cramped living conditionsforce city dwellers to look for smaller, cheaper home appliances.
Source: 5 March 2008