1 innovation containing 'beauty'


The shape of the objectfollows the shape of the Luffa itself: formal research has chosen tohighlight the beauty and the intelligence of a design created bynature, taking the material in its semi-processed state ready to betransformed into an end product through primitive exercises of style,simple transformation procedures. The Luffa Cylindrica is light,resistant to traction and abrasion, highly transpiring, fast drying,flexible, highly resistant to static, neither allergenic nor toxic,completely biodegradable and easily renewable. All these features makeit extremely suitable to the use intended.From the first contact with the user, the innovative dimension of thedesign and its uniqueness and naturalness are obvious. Every pair ofTrackLess is unique like the fruit from which it is derived and likethe consumer who uses it.

Source: indexaward.dkAdded: 5 March 2008