
Space becomes a luxury inmodern days. Crowded roads, crowded homes, crowded public transport,small rooms, small cubical offices. SpaceSaver was designed to offersignificantly more space to the end-user: the average-to-low incometypical household with one small bathroom / flat (over 5 million flatsin blocks of flats fit this profile in Romania only). It does this bycombining the functionality of two objects, the sink and the washingmachine, in one single object. SpaceSaver also offers competitiveadvantages, marketing opportunities and new product developmentopportunities to the secondary target audience - the white goodsmanufacturers, while raising close to none technical challenges. It canalso create spin-off benefits to developers that build and sellready-finished apartments, by including SpaceSaver instead of classicallavatories in the bathroom of the flats they deliver, thus increasingthe marketing value of the property and the level of customer careprovided.

Source: indexaward.dkAdded: 13 February 2008