GumEase dental mouthpiece
Next time you go to the dentist for some dreadfully painful procedure,you may have the option of eschewing that Novocaine-bearing needle fora flexible dental mouthpiece that turns out the lights on yourmaxillofacial nerves. Developed by Laguna Hills-based BioMedDeviceLimited, and recently approved by the FDA, the so-called gumEase usesno conventional anesthetics, instead relying on cryoanesthesia:basically, the freezer-stored device chills your mouth into numbness.One application of gumEase, which lasts up to 20 minutes, is said torelieve 90% of a patient's pain within two to three minutes -- and toprove it, the manufacturer has produced a rather graphic videodepicting a hypodermic-free tooth extraction, which you can watch atyour own risk after the break.
Source: engadget.comAdded: 8 January 2008