Organic cook

Designed for flexible and oil-free cooking in the home of the future, the Organic cookis a table top appliance that combines infrared technology and vacuumcooking to help create healthy meals within a fraction of theirtraditional cooking time. Shaped like a bowl with a lid, the OrganicCook allows consumers to cook food at their table or whatever surfacethey like, while offering oil-free frying, grilling and boilingoptions, all with one appliance. The Organic Cook uses high-efficiencyradiant energy that sends high frequency electromagnetic waves from theinvisible end of the light spectrum, allowing food to cook without theneed to heat the air around it. The vacuum system ensures that allflavors are held within the food and do not escape into the surroundingspace. The Organic Cook internal cooking pad is comprised of fourseparate sections in order to adapt to your desired style of cooking,and the digital dial operation around the circumference of the hoodallows you easily set and adjust the cooking temperature.

Source: appliancist.comAdded: 10 October 2007