7 innovations containing 'water'

Non-Stick chewing gum

As well as taking some of the stickier elements out of gum, Professor Cosgrove's company, Revolymer, has made a low-cost polymer that makes the gum hydrophilic, or water-loving. Most gum is hydrophobic. Nicknamed Rev 7,the new gum dissolves in a test tube of water, and was removed fromsurfaces without any problem - just H2O. The chemist's daughter eventested Rev 7 in her hair and found it came out without any problem.

Taste has not been affected, either. A professional chewing gumexpert from Italy was brought in to test "mouth feel, taste, textureand so on," in a blind test, and Rev 7 came out as one of the highestscorers, with its flavor release similar to the initial burst you getfrom regular gum.

Source: nowpublic.comAdded: 18 September 2007