This truly amazing treadmill moves in the direction that the walker steps

Omni-directional treadmill

Take a look at this truly amazing treadmill that moves in the directionthat the walker steps. Front, back, left or right, it goes just theplace you want to go! The Virtual Space Devices,Inc. has been developing the omni-directional treadmill (ODT)technology over the last 10 years and working primarily with the USArmy.
"The ODT surface is flat andcontinuous. It is not a bowl or made of discrete plates. The infinitesurface is motion-slaved to the user's motion with tight control and noinertial residue. Belts that comprise the surface are substantiallysimilar to those used in conventional treadmills. A third-generation,fully integrated, ODT-based simulator is called the "iPlane". It is agaming and Internet communication appliance, addressing numeroushigh-growth markets. The iPlane is a disruptive technology that willchange the way we interact both as individuals and as groups. Thisphysical interface is the final link in the convergence of fast computers, low cost graphics, and broadband infrastructure.It is the literal next-step in the evolution of human-computerinterfaces. It is the step that takes us fully into cyberspace."

Source: newlaunches.comAdded: 17 September 2007