9 innovations containing 'water'

Aqus Toilet System

The Aqus Toilet System reuses grey (i.e. used) water from the sink by routing it into thetoilet tank, thus potentially saving thousands of gallons of water eachyear. The system seems to have a few drawbacks: for starters, it's onlytruly compatible with vanity sinks and it may or may not produce enoughwater to flush the toilet each time (depending on your flushinghabits). Then again, if you're a borderline OCD hand-washer likemyself, I think you'll be fine. On the plus side, the system only costsabout three hundred dollars and can be installed in a few hours. Almostthe entire contraption resides under the sink hidden within thecabinet, and seems to me like something most landlords could swallow.

Source: chicago.apartmenttherapy.comAdded: 11 September 2007