Cima ladder
The ladder is made in a single piece using the monocoque technique,similar to that used in bicycle frames. The material used is a carbonfibre composite. Continuous shapes and the closed frame spread theforces in all directions.
The study of the shape added with the high strength of carbon fibreallowed for a very thin and light ladder and overall weight isapproximately one kilogram.
The fact that the finished ladder is a single piece makes it more stable during the lifetime avoiding rattle of assembly parts.
According to our study and the professional advice the structure of theladder was subject to torsion and flexion forces, especially high arethe torsion forces of the vertical side bars. In these areas it wasessential to apply additional fibres ±45 degrees in both directions toensure the resistance and strength.
Source: cimaladder.comAdded: 16 August 2007